Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving wishes

I just wanted to wish everybody out there a Happy Thanksgiving. Among the things I am grateful for this year are the number of you who have read this over the past few months in its infancy, and given me positive feedback. I really appreciate it.
I just wanted to share with all of you a bit of what Thanksgiving means to me. Each year for the past several (basically since I got a cell phone) I have taken the time on Thanksgiving to make phone calls to a lot of the people who mean the most to me, particularly those who have been especially important to me in the past year. Some of them I talk to frequently. Others I don't speak to that often. But it is important to me that they know I wouldn't be doing as well in life without them.
So to my friends, keep an ear out for the phone today. I won't be able to talk to all of you. There are just too many. But you're all in my thoughts.
And to the rest of you, give somebody a call today, particularly if you haven't caught up with each other in a while. You'll be amazed how it can help keep you feeling alive.
Happy Thanksgiving, all!



Blogger Tiffany Ventura said...

What a nice blog. It made me miss my parents, my dogs, and my friends in RI a ton but it was a nice way to blog on Thanksgiving. Hope your Turkey Day was good!

November 23, 2007 at 8:05 PM  

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