Friday, May 2, 2008

personality traits

While waiting for the Southington-Fermi volleyball match to start earlier this week, the photographer covering the event with me asked me what type of high schooler plays the sport, not typically one of the more glamorous ones. I was taken aback by the question somewhat, but there are certain types of kids who tend to play different sports, though no such simple categorizing could ever define everyone.
Another writer and I briefly explained to her that volleyball players often are more laid back, easy-going athletes, looking for a sport to have fun, be competitive and maybe get in shape.
Well, a few minutes later, a perfect example of the volleyball "sense of humor" appeared, something I've noticed before. Volleyball warmups take many minutes with each team getting its own time on the court without the other team there, in order to practice hitting. At Southington, when the hometown Knights are on the court, upbeat, energetic music plays over the PA system, designed to get the team pumped up.
But, when the other team warms up, the mood changes. Suddenly the mellow sounds of Enya, Sarah McLaughlin and others is pumped full volume through the gym, obviously intended to chill out the opposing team, but mostly having a somewhat comedic effect.
That's the volleyball personality. Competitive, but never so serious as to avoid a good joke.



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