Tuesday, November 6, 2007

time for prayer

When asked by those outside the state, particularly when I was in college in Massachusetts, to explain the fanaticism surrounding UConn basketball, my typical answer, somewhat sarcastic, was to say that the Huskies are the closest thing to a state religion. It was always only partially a joke.
With another season upon us, and being one of the avid fans, I am naturally excited. But there is a large amount of apprehension surrounding this year's team, particularly after last season's tremendous disappointment.
Let me first say that for the last eight months, since the Huskies played their final game of last season against Syracuse at Madison Square Garden, I have been among their more vocal supporters. I likened this year's team to those that followed up disappointing finishes in 1997 and 2001 with trips to the Elite Eight in 1998 and 2002. The 1997 squad in particular seemed an apropos comparison to last year's bunch.
That team, featuring freshmen Richard Hamilton, Kevin Freeman, and Jake Voskuhl, suffered a devastating blow in personnel when expected star Kirk King was suspended for NCAA violations for nearly the entire season. Sophomore point Ricky Moore was suspended for several games, and the young squad was left with one elder statesmen. Does anybody remember Monquencio Hardnett, who was a junior on that team and the oldest player of significance? What ensued was a year in which the Huskies could not hit the broad side of a barn with a jump shot, could not work the ball inside, and lost a majority of their games. But things went well late, Hamilton showed what he would become in future years in the NIT and the team rallied to the semifinals of that tournament.
What that team also did was play excellent defense, usually losing games close, but in the 50 or 60-point range.
Flash forward to last year. With the departure of seven key players from the 06 team, the Huskies again had no seniors on the roster, no juniors in fact. Sophomore Jeff Adrien was the "voice of experience". Worse than in 97, the Huskies had trouble throwing the ball in the ocean from the pier.
However, they played even better defense than that 97 team. In case you didn't notice, UConn ranked in the top ten teams in the country last year in defensive efficiency. They allowed an opponent to score 70 points only five times and 60 points a mere 11 times.
It was easy for me to believe that this team could improve its offense on a level comparable to the 1997-98 jump, which landed them back in the top ten the latter year. This team does not need to score many points to win. They don't need to be great on offense, just "not bad".
Surely the Huskies would be a lock to again reach the NCAA tournament and had a good chance to crack the top 25.
And then I heard about UConn's preseason scrimmage against Assumption (carrying the pride of my second home Worcester, Mass.) in which UConn needed a late surge to hold off the Division II opponent. A second game against Bryant was better, a 100-65 win, but that Assumption game haunts me.
This team appears to be once again inept on offense, perhaps detrimentally so. Is it possible that this team could squander a top ten defense with an inability to work as a team and shoot the ball for a second year?
Coach Calhoun still says he has faith in the ability of A.J. Price, but following his involvement in the now infamous laptop thefts two years ago, it is hard to root for him to do well, particularly with his penchant for spouting off at the mouth to the media. Win some games before bragging.
I'll say this. I still see the potential for some really good players here. I think Jerome Dyson, Hasheem Thabeet, Stanley Robinson, and yes, Price, could be NBA players some day (Price on reputation alone though, not on anything I've seen on the court). Adrien is a pre-season all-conference pick, and I like Doug Wiggins and Craig Austrie as role players.
But I now fear this team is still far away from being a legitimate contender in the Big East, and even farther away from competing nationally.
Pray with me Husky fans. It could be another long season. (We've still got the women though. I'll ramble on them some other night.)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

i completely agree especially considering last nights blow out of morgan state by 4 points. I have had little in the way of expectations for this team considering the only true player i see on this team is dyson. ammmaaaazzzinngg graaaacceeeeeee....

November 8, 2007 at 6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so speaking of religion...

Besides being a Red Sox person (Proud member of the New World Order that is Sox domination), I also happen to be a Notre Dame football fan, which many would say would be two strikes against me.

But, religion wise, the scene for a football game there is nuts. Nobody moves for an entire half. At pep rallies, whatever Charlie Weis says, goes. They even have a bizarre salute for him. I just don't think people get it unless they're a part of it. I get the buzz around UConn (even if I root for PC) because it's like that at Notre Dame. The entire town of South Bend bases its life on that football team.

I'm waiting with bated breath for a blog about your team and mine, the 49ers. Smiley's out for the season.

Shall I prepare for the draft now?

November 8, 2007 at 8:33 PM  
Blogger Ryan Pipke said...

Tiffany, I should refer you to my friend, John, also a Niners fan. Only he's from out west and is far more hardcore about it than I am. I think he's gone into shock by now. Like, no facial expression, drool dripping on the floor.
I can't even stomach thinking about the 49ers, much less writing about them. To be honest, the NFL is far behind MLB and college basketball in my world of sports. Still I was excited coming into this season. However, when I looked at the schedule at the beginning of the year, games against Atlanta and the Giants were stone-cold locks. Oh well.
Now I'd be happy to finish with five wins. Six would mean we went .500 in the second half. Hell, seven and we might edge out Seattle for a playoff spot.
Looks like the Patriots will be getting a pretty good pick next year in the draft. That's the saddest truth here. The silver lining of the draft won't be there (Is there a clause on that traded pick that if we have a top-three or something we get to keep it? I need to find this out.)
Wake me up when this team doesn't stink.


November 9, 2007 at 2:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mooch, wow, I remember him...he won a few games and then was fired for Dennis Erickson... (shuddering).

I need to throw a Niners Nostalgia Party...invite Niners fans the world over and you know, break out my Joe Montana shrine and think of what it was like when my football team was relevant...

BTW: My pals who are Pats fans say they don't think there's a condition on that pick. The rich get richer...or the cheaters get lucky...however you look at it.

November 10, 2007 at 12:09 AM  
Blogger Ryan Pipke said...

Not sure how this became a Niners thread. But yeah, I did verify that the Pats get that pick regardless. Feels safe to say all the Patriots fans better hop on the Niners bandwagon for the next eight weeks.

November 11, 2007 at 3:01 AM  
Blogger Ryan Pipke said...

I meant Patriots haters. Sorry about that. Apparently I can't edit my own comments on this thing.

November 11, 2007 at 3:02 AM  

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