Saturday, December 1, 2007

divided down the middle

I didn't get to set the scene very much here. For those unfamiliar, Arute, while a gorgeous complex, is one of those that has stands on only one side. Therefore, it is divided down the middle, a makeshift Mason-Dixon line separating the Berlin red on the left from the Ledyard navy blue on the right. The Berlin student section is on their feet. Maybe it's helping them stay warm. It's really cold out here today.
Of note, the Berlin uniforms, as usual, are causing problems for those in the press box. The most common phrase heard is "was that Tatro (16) or Cooper (18)". If anybody can help with this, can we get new uniforms with more distinct numbers? Or can we just give the running backs numbers that don't look so similar?
Looks like the Redcoats will have to hold again. Another fumble, just in front of midfield.



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