Tuesday, October 2, 2007

playoff predictions

I'm getting this down in writing. A coworker lost my NBA picks from a year ago and there was no proof at the end of the season that I had picked San Antonio over Cleveland at the beginning of the year.
I just got back from a friend's apartment after watching the Padres-Rockies game. Quite a thriller even if as soon as it happened I said "he never touched the plate". Still, it makes me excited for the playoffs.
Let's pick the first round:
Rockies vs. Phillies: I was torn during the one-game playoff. I love Peavy and Young for the Pads, but like the idea of these two teams playing games three and four in Denver. That could be a lot of fun with these lineups.
Still, I like the Phillies to get a win from Cole Hamels in the opener and in the clincher and prevail in five games. Top of their lineup can overcome a bad pitching performance deeper in the rotation.
Phils in 5.
Cubs vs. Diamondbacks: How the D-backs ended up with the best record in the NL despite a terrible team batting average and only slightly above average rotation is a mystery to me, no matter how weak the league is overall. Nonetheless, Brandon Webb better get the attention he deserves as one of the leagues five best pitchers, and it better be now.
However, there's something happening on Addison St. I'll say more about that later. For now I'll just say I think the Cubbies sneak past Webb in game five.
Cubs in 5.
Angels vs. Red Sox: I have no doubts about the fact that the Red Sox, not the Yankees, are the best team in the league. I don't care how the Yanks closed out the season. I don't care if the Sox played .500 ball for the last two months. They were better, and they won, despite giving "The Nation" a collective heart attack. The Sox are the favorites in the postseason.
The Angels and Indians are both sleepers though, and shouldn't be overlooked.
I was a little surprised Boston went with the long series to get their top two starters two games, and even more surprised when they named Daisuke the second starter, including a potential go in Game 5. Fortunately for them I don't think it will get there.
Beckett outduels Lackey in Game 1 and the Sox pound out runs in Game 4. In between, I think Kelvim Escobar tops Daisuke in Game 2. But Schilling will be the difference, winning Game 3.
Sox in 4.
Yankees vs. Indians: I've said it since January 1, 2001. The Yankees are cursed. And so far I can't be more right. Let me explain.
2001- Yanks lose one of the most painful Game 7's in history, handing the ball to the best postseason closer of all time, and watching he and the defense botch it, with a little help from a drawn in infield.
2002, 2003- Yanks are topped in the first round and World Series by upstart, unheralded, and young teams (Angels and Marlins). Both times the Bombers lose key games in New York and make stars out of opposing pitchers (K-Rod, Beckett).
2004- Worst collapse in sports history against your arch-rival. Period.
2005- Oh, those pesky Angels again. Only not as good as the first Anaheim of L.A. team.
2006- Tigers were better. But try convincing most analysts of that, especially before they won.
Get my point. Now listen closely.
I don't get why nobody else has mentioned this yet. They're cursed. They simply won too much last century, and the ever-present baseball gods are repaying them, and the rest of us, for it.
I don't need any other reason.
Indians in 3.

OK, now I'm going to go into my picks beyond that. If teams are different, I will change them and humbly make new picks in a week and a half.

NLCS, Cubs vs. Phillies
Truly strange things going on in Chicago. Did somebody say 1945. That's the last time the Cubs made the World Series.
Until now.
The Cubs will sneak past the Phillies in seven spectacular games. It will be Philadelphia, not Chicago, that chokes it away in the final home game. Look for the suspect bullpen to be the culprit.
Jason Marquis and Ted Lilly will surprise people like Jeff Weaver and Anthony Reyes a year ago ... Wait. I'm getting ahead of myself.
Just say Cubs in 7.
ALCS, Indians vs. Red Sox
Again, the Sox are the best team in the AL, and even better in a seven game series. Sabathia and Carmona will keep the Indians in it, but they can't outduel Beckett and Daisuke in every game. And the back end of the Sox rotation will be the difference. Schilling and Wakefield are postseason stars, even if they are getting old. I think one or both of them will be great in these playoffs, and the offense is good enough to overcome their mediocre performances.
Indians are a very good team, but the Sox are better.
Sox in 5.

Which brings me to..... the matchup everyone wanted ... in 2003.

Too bad the Sox won in 2004, cause otherwise this would really mean something. These two battled for loser supremacy for years. Curse vs. Curse. Loyal, but self-loathing fan bases not knowing how to react to the thought of actually winning.
And then the Sox won.
OK, I gotta explain something here.
Red Sox in 2004, hadn't won since 1918.
White Sox in 2005, hadn't won since 1917.
2006- I said at the start (remember those baseball gods) that it was clearly the Cubs (no wins since 1908) year. I said it, as many of you know, as a diehard Cardinals fan since the age of seven. I hate the Cubs. I pity them. But then I go right back to hating them. Yet I was sure they were SUPPOSED to win it.
And then, for whatever reason, fate intervened on my behalf to get me a World Series win.
Only thing was, the Cubs were supposed to win last year. I could be paying a price for this for a long time.
The Yankees are now cursed. They are the Red Sox/ White Sox/ and soon enough the Cubs of this century.
And that can only mean that those Cubs have to win NOW. The time has come. I can't even defend this pick any other way. In every conceivable way the Red Sox are the best team, and infinitely better than any of the NL contenders.

OK. You heard it here first. I'm letting you know. Kids, bet your parents extra allowance that the Cubs take home the trophy. Parents, bet the kids to cook dinner for a week that Michigan Ave. will be raining confetti at the end of the month. That is, if it's still standing. A cow once started a fire that completely destroyed the city. Imagine what Cubs fans can do.

At least don't say I didn't warn you.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm less sold on Dice-K in the playoffs. I think he has shown that the season has had considerable wear and tear on him. I'd almost rather Schilling start Game Two, to be honest. Beckett is going to have the beast.
Yes, the Yankees are the new "Red Sox," but that doesn't mean I want to see them in the ALCS. 546 times bitten, once shy...
I agree with everything except your series prediction. Red Sox in five over the Cubs.

October 2, 2007 at 2:55 PM  
Blogger magwi said...

"Which brings me to..... the matchup everyone wanted ... in 2003."

I love it.

I disagree with your pick in the series, I'm sure you can't imagine why... but I thought that I should mention, even couple hundred miles away from local CT sports, I've been really enjoying the blog...

Red Sox in six.

That is all.

October 2, 2007 at 5:50 PM  
Blogger Angelina said...

While a Cubs/Red Sox matchup in the World Series would be great to see, I doubt that would be happening.

Here are my picks for the postseason:
NLDS: Rockies over Phillies--in 4(and not just because I am bitter), Cubs over D-Backs--in 3.
ALDS: Boston over the Angels--in 3, Indians over Yanks--in 4.
NLCS: Rockies over Cubs in 7
ALCS: Boston over Indians in 5
World Series: Rockies over Red Sox in 7.

October 2, 2007 at 10:44 PM  
Blogger Ryan Pipke said...

Yeah, Daisuke has really worn down which is why I was surprised to see him instead of Schilling in the second spot. It's also why I think the Sox will lose to Escobar in the first round.
But it does take a little pressure off of Schilling as well. And maybe he'll feel slighted by the bump and give Sox fans one of his vintage performances.
Thanks for the comments guys.

October 3, 2007 at 2:38 PM  

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