Saturday, March 8, 2008

the ups and downs of post-high school life

I have had the good fortune of bumping into some of my favorite local athletes over the past two weeks. It's always good to hear how things are going for former high school stars at the next level. But, I was sad to see some of the unfortunate turns for a couple of them. Nonetheless, all seem to be making the transition well.
I first saw Plainville basketball star Amanda Pierlioni at the Blue Devils' second round game. Sadly, she was sitting with her leg in a brace and propped on a water cooler, the result of a torn ACL/MCL in her knee that prematurely ended her season at Bryant. But she had a smile on her face and said the season had been going well up to that point, and also that she should be back on the court next year.
Then today I ran into Southington gymnasts Kristy Dougan and Jessie Gianatti at the New England Championship meet. Dougan also had an injury cut short her season as a diver. She was able to redshirt, having competed in only four events, and is currently taking classes at CCSU so she can be close to home during the recovery period.
Gianatti has also put gymnastics aside, and is reaping the benefits. After struggling through injuries for two years due to the grueling sport, she is thriving as a soccer player.
I have heard from Southington coach Byron Knox that Yvette Mirando is performing well with his Bridgeport University team. The scores he listed off for me and my fellow reporters from her most recent meet brought back happy memories.
It was great to see some familiar faces, particularly as they were cheering for their friends and former teammates. I will continue to keep my eyes out for others this Spring. If you are, or know, a former Herald-area athlete, and wish to share some positive achievements since then, please let me know.

all good things come to an end

Ironically, the championship runs of both the New Britain girls basketball team and the Southington gymnastics teams ended within hours of each other. I was witness to both events (please don't blame it on me, girls).
First, the Knights faced stiff competition at the New England Championship and fell short of a fourth-straight title, coming in third overall. Had the Knights performed their absolute best, they would barely have outscored the winners, Chelmsford, MA. Had they scored their average, which they were a little below, they would have finished exactly where they did. The bottom line was that both Chelmsford and second-place LaSalle Academy (RI) had better days. They might have been better teams, but all three were very close in talent. It came down, for the first time, to Southington needing to do its absolute best. The other teams did a better job of that.
Then the New Britain girls fell at CCSU to Career Magnet, in a game that featured unbelievable talent on both sides. There could prove to have been as many as seven Division I players in that game when all is said and done.
The Hurricanes looked like the more polished team for over three quarters of the game, but in the end their one fatal flaw shone through: a lack of depth. One foul out (starting guard Sarah Sideranko), a minor cramp for center Tyler Kimball and suddenly the 'Canes were on the losing side. Career dominated the offensive rebounding in the final minutes and earned the win. Take nothing away from New Britain, which played great. As my colleague Matt Straub pointed out, there were only 14 turnovers in the game combined. This was a very well played game all-around, and very fun to watch.
So, the Knights streak of state Class L titles is still alive at four. The Hurricanes, with most of their team back next year, should be among the final teams left again, if not the favorites to win it all. They just need to add a little depth.
Time to start a couple of new streaks.

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

it's about what's under the surface

All I can say is that even from watching one quarter of the Career Magnet-Bulkeley Class LL semifinal game, there was more talent on that court than in any game played at the high school level this year. Both teams were loaded at just about every position on the court: players with very good offensive moves and even role players who can make exceptional plays.
I will say I think Career which, by the score at least, rolled pretty well over the Bulldogs, has more pure talent than New Britain, who it will face on Saturday at 5 p.m. at CCSU. But before everybody starts handing the title to the New Haven squad, keep in mind that every time somebody, or many somebodys, has counted the Hurricanes out over the last two years, they have had just enough fortitude in clutch moments to win the game.
There is certainly more to Symone Roberts than meets the eye. Her size can make you look past how lethal her speed can be on the court. And what is so often overlooked in her scoring outbursts is the fact that her defense is the best part of her game.
Same goes for Sarah Sideranko, who is streaky from the outside and doesn't have off-the-dribble scoring potential against great defenders. But she has a knack for finding the open player, and her defense, particularly combined with Roberts, can take over a game.
Add in Tyler Kimball down low, and you could make the argument that the three best defensive players on the court Saturday will all be in maroon and gold.
Furthermore, there is more to Cassandra Bell, Monika Malec and Heather O'Bright than meets the eye for sure. Malec made a very athletic play, storming downcourt and catching a rocket pass in stride for a layup, that caught my attention against Westhill. I simply didn't know she had that in her. Bell is starting to show some range from outside, which the 'Canes desperately need. (I'll say if New Britain had even one elite shooter, they'd be unstoppable. Teams simply can't focus on anybody else on the perimeter with Roberts getting into the lane. This was the role Dominique Stellmacher controlled for two years, and Bell needs to play like her as best she can.) If Bell hits like she can, the team jumps to an even higher level.
I don't know what to think for this game. Career looks awesome. New Britain has done next to nothing but win for three years. I can't begin to predict what I think will happen in this game. That depends on which team shows up and plays its best at the right time.
All I'm saying is don't believe talent alone wins games. There's far more than meets the eye, and these 'Canes have "it".


Monday, March 3, 2008

hockey and boys b-ball tourneys starting

The girls' tournaments have been exciting, even if all but one of our area teams have been elimintated. Good luck to New Britain on Wednesday against Westhill, apparently the most overlooked team of the tournament going in. They put together back-to-back impressive wins against Southington and Holy Cross, and are a serious threat.
As for the hockey tournaments, I can't really speak much about them. I simply don't know much about the sport at this level, having seen only a handful of games this season. I will say good luck to the three area teams still harboring hopes of a state title, even though none appear to be favorites of any kind. I will be covering Southington at the Trinity rink on Monday night.
As for the boys tournaments, sadly it doesn't look like any local teams will be making extended runs. All drew road games in the first round, something I've never seen happen in my few years here, and they are tough matchups.
Like the girls tournaments, the staff has made its picks for the boys tournament, just for a little friendly competition between us. In case you were wondering, the girls brackets have come down to either Ken Lipshez or me as potential winners. It all hinges on one team at this point, but I won't say who. Again, I can't tell you everybody else's picks, but I can tell you my picks for these brackets.
Class S: Hyde Leadership over Cromwell
Class M: Hartford Public over Sheehan
Class L: Wilbur Cross over Maloney
Class LL: Windsor over Crosby
Both my Class L and Class LL predicted finals would be phenomenal games between very powerful teams. I hope they can happen so the fans can get a real treat. The other two classes seem really up for grabs in general.

It's almost Spring, which is exciting news for me. Just taking care of final business for this season. Included in that, look for our special section featuring the all-Herald teams for the winter season to come later in the month. Some of the teams are set, but you'll have to wait until then to see who made it. We'll also being doing our players (one male and one female) and coach of the season awards as well.

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